Produse pentru este o aspirină bună pentru durerile de cap asociate (13)

Capsule de Aronia Bio

Capsule de Aronia Bio

Lohnherstellung von Bio Aronia Kapseln (vegane HPMC Kapseln)
Capsule de Acerola - Capsule și tablete

Capsule de Acerola - Capsule și tablete

The acerola cherry, which comes from Central and South America, is one of the fruits with the highest content of vitamins C. We are talking about a concentration 20 to 30 times higher than in oranges. Vitamin C contributes towards a normal, healthy function in the immune system and metabolic energy rate. It also works as a trap for free-radicals, protecting the cells against oxidative stress. Each capsule contains 400 mg acerola extract with 70 mg natural vitamin C. 1-2 capsules per day will suffice. Art. No.:291
ESAROME SEBO IKS - Loțiune cu Uleiuri Esențiale pentru Seboree

ESAROME SEBO IKS - Loțiune cu Uleiuri Esențiale pentru Seboree

E’ studiato per tutti i casi di seborrea e cute grassa. Il complesso di principi attivi funzionali (PAF) in esso contenuti, regola le funzioni del cuoio capelluto ripristinando il suo equilibrio. Grazie al mix di Estratti naturali e Oli Essenziali, accuratamente selezionati e sapientemente amalgamati, svolge un’importante azione antibatterica, previene il cattivo odore dovuto all’eccessiva secrezione sebacea, allontanando nel tempo l’untuosità dei capelli. In modo particolare: Estratto di Foglia di Ortica Dioica – Estratto di Argan – Estratto Glicerico di Edera – Estratto di Semi di Sesamo: svolgono un’efficace azione antibatterica e antinfiammatoria, mantenendo la cute morbida e idratata. Estratto di Serenoa Serrulata: i suoi polifenoli hanno proprietà antiandrogeniche che espletano principalmente attraverso l’inibizione dell’enzima 5-alfareduttasi (deputato alla conversione del testosterone in diidrotestosterone responsabile nei soggetti predisposti, dell’alopecia androgenetica) Scatola per home care:12 fiale da 7 ml cadauna
Tratamentul hiperhidrozei

Tratamentul hiperhidrozei

treatmentLaser destruction of clusters of sweat glands is one of the most effective methods of dealing with hyperhidrosisCurrently, hyperhidrosis is a fairly common pathological condition, which is characterized by increased sweating of the whole body or its local parts. Using the Nd YAG Invasive laser module, laser treatment of hyperhidrosis is possible by treating the problem area with special handpieces of various diameters that destroy most of the sweat glands, and further their recovery does not occur. The special distribution of laser energy allows you to remove not all sweat glands in the problem area, but with a certain interval, because, in general, sweat glands play a very important role in the body’s thermoregulation, and their deficiency in a certain area can lead to the development of the problem of compensatory sweating ( hyperhidrosis in other areas of the body), as well as excessive dryness of the epidermis, etc


Organic Green Propolis and Echinacea Capsules - Vegetable envelope - 60capsules - Les gélules de Propolis Verte et Échinacée Bio Propos’Nature assurent le bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire de l'organisme et permettent de renforcer les défenses naturelles au quotidien. Très concentrées en principes actifs, elles sont parfaitement assimilables par l'organisme et biodisponibles. Un produit certifié biologique et 100% naturel. Dosées à 425 mg. Gélule d'origine végétale. La Propolis verte, issue du Sud du Brésil, est récoltée sur le Baccharis Dracunculifolia, appelé Romarin des champs. Les nombreuses vertus de la propolis vertes sont connues et utilisées depuis bien longtemps d'autant plus qu'elle bénéficie d'une activité encore plus importante que les autres propolis. L'Échinacée pourpre est une plante vivace originaire d'Amérique du nord. Ses bienfaits reconnus permettent de faire face aux périodes hivernales en stimulant nos défenses naturelles. Reference:GELUPROPOECHINAC60
Unguent de arnică

Unguent de arnică

The nourishing cosiMed Arnica Ointment contains valuable Arnica extract, skin-regenerating Panthenol and skin-protecting Vitamin E. It is suitable for the care of dry and stressed skin.
Remedii Homeopatice Individuale cu Indicații

Remedii Homeopatice Individuale cu Indicații

Das vorliegende Werk ist bestrebt, möglichst viele Symptome abzudecken, erhebt aber keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Seit über 37 Jahren ist die Autorin in eigener Praxis tätig. Das Büchlein mit den Indikationen der Homöopathie, das ihr in diesen Jahren sehr gute Dienste geleistet hat, wird nicht mehr aufgelegt und ist im Laufe der Zeit so zerfleddert, dass es unbenutzbar geworden ist. Das hat sie dazu animiert, ein neues Verzeichnis zu schreiben, das auch viele Mittel aus ihrer eigenen Erfahrung und Erprobung berücksichtigt. Das vorliegende Werk ist bestrebt, möglichst viele Symptome abzudecken, erhebt aber keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Es ist unter anderem eine Zusammenfassung bzw. Überarbeitung bereits zur Verfügung stehender einschlägiger Literatur. • Wire-O-Bindung • 17 x 24 cm • 313 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-931954-34-5
Tablete de Spirulină 150 Tablete - Cosmetic

Tablete de Spirulină 150 Tablete - Cosmetic

Sachet de 150 comprimés de 500 mg de spiruline. Produite sur notre ferme de manière artisanale et écologique. La spiruline est une micro-algue aux vertues incroyables : c'est un super-aliment très riche en fer, contient plus de 60 % de protéines, riche en vitamines B et bêta-carotène (puissant anti-oxydant). Elle apporte la vitalité au quotidien et renforce les défenses naturelles. Lutte contre la fatigue passagère
Capsulă/Pachet Ageflor Probiotice și Prebiotice - Probiotice și Prebiotice

Capsulă/Pachet Ageflor Probiotice și Prebiotice - Probiotice și Prebiotice

We offer Private Label manufacturing for this product. Ageflor Capsule & Sachet includes probiotics (Lactobacilius Acidophilus, Lactobacilius Rhamnosus ) and prebiotics (inulin) in its formulation. Ageflor Capsule & Sachet help to prevent and treat content for diarrhea, constipation lactose intolerance, tourist diarrhea, antibiotic-induce diarrhea. It is used for regeneration of bowel epithelium and correction of dybiosis.Treatment starts with 1 capsule just before a meal and dosage are adjusted according to response. You can start to use 1 capsule per day and increase it to 2 capsules and 3 times per day.
Controlul afidelor, muștelor albe, muștelor verzi și țânțarilor de ciuperci - Control natural pentru insectele zburătoare

Controlul afidelor, muștelor albe, muștelor verzi și țânțarilor de ciuperci - Control natural pentru insectele zburătoare

Aphids-0 consists of insect soap made from nitrite salt and diluted alcohol solutions. It is very effective against all insects that are exposed to it.Insect soap is not very toxic for humans and animals. Aphids-0 creates a mechanical barrier over a crop, making the plant sap inaccessible to all the insects mentioned above.
Tablete de Spirulină Pure Planet Hawaii (500mg) și pulbere

Tablete de Spirulină Pure Planet Hawaii (500mg) și pulbere

Die blaugrüne Urkost als tägliche Nahrungsergänzung ... Mikrolagen schonend getrocknet ...reich an Protein und Mikro-Nährstoffen ! Das gleichbleibende tropische Klima an der Konaküste auf Big Island/Hawaii (USA) garantiert ganzjährig höchste Spirulina-Qualität und einen milden angenehmen Geschmack. Für viele Kenner ist Hawaii-Spirulina in Geschmack & Qualität das Beste weltweit ! Das patentierte Sprühtrocknungsverfahren “die ocean-chill-Methode“ ermöglicht eine rasche und schonende Trocknung ...welche über 90% der Nähr –und Vitalstoffe erhält. Damit kann das getrocknete Spirulina-Pulver fast als Rohkost bezeichnet werden und ist für Veganer geeignet. Verzehrsempfehlung: 3 Gramm (6 Presslinge oder 1 gehäufter Teeläffel Pulver) täglich mit reichlich stillem Wasser !
Tablete de Artișoc și Papaya - Capsule și tablete

Tablete de Artișoc și Papaya - Capsule și tablete

Stress, hectic, rushed eating and hidden fats in the food strain burden our digestion more and more and so our well-being. Lots of people swear by the valuable plant components of artichoke and papaya that contain the natural enzyme papain. In addition, artichokes contain the natural bitter substance cynarin. Art. No.:1478
Capsule de Rhodiola Rosea (Rădăcină de Trandafir) - Capsule și tablete

Capsule de Rhodiola Rosea (Rădăcină de Trandafir) - Capsule și tablete

Rhodiola rosea occurs primarily in arctic areas and mountainous regions of Eurasia and North America. In German-speaking areas it is mostly known as "Roseroot". It is attributed with supporting concentration and memory and contributing towards remaining mentally agile, well-balanced and productive. We have supplemented the rose root extract with chokeberry concentrate as well as vitamins B1 and B6, which contributes to a normal and healthy working mind and nervous system as well as a normal metabolic energy rate. Each capsula contains 200mg Rhodiola rosea extract powder and 100mg Aronia berry concentrate powder. Just 1 capsule per day will suffice. Art. No.:802